Join us from November 7-10 for GRIP Lab presentations at PME-NA 46
Come see us in Cleveland at Hilton Downtown this week and be part of our PMN-NA discussions!
Presentation Title: Gauging professional growth: Moving beyond binary assessments by examining teachers’ practical arguments in simulations of practice
Speakers: Amanda Brown, Patricio Herbst, and Gil Schwarts from the University of Michigan
Date: November 8, 2024
Time: 03:35 – 04:15 PM EST
Location: Hope Ballroom B, Hilton Downtown, PMENA – 2024, Cleveland, Ohio
Presentation Title: Secondary Mathematics Teachers’ Justification for Sequencing Student Work
Speakers: Soobin Jeon, Amanda Brown, Ruya Savuran, and Patricio Herbst from the University of Michigan
Date: November 9, 2024
Time: 09:25 – 10:05 AM EST
Location: Superior Ballroom B, Hilton Downtown, PMENA – 2024, Cleveland, Ohio
Presentation Title: How do instructors describe students’ mathematical work and opportunity to learn in geometry courses for teachers?
Speakers: Patricio Herbst, Soobin Jeon, and Amanda Brown from the University of Michigan
Date: November 10, 2024
Time: 10:20 – 11:00 AM EST
Location: Hope Ballroom C, Hilton Downtown, PMENA – 2024, Cleveland, Ohio
GRIP Lab Adds Up to a Spooky Halloween!
This Halloween, the GRIP Lab participated in the spooky season by carving pumpkins and putting out candy for trick or treaters at the Marsal School of Education. Other participating departments in Marsal competed for the spookiest display!
Pictured are two members of the GRIP Lab, Rüya Savuran and Anthony Davis, posing in front of the GRIP Lab’s Trick-or-Treat display.

Join us on October 3 for GRIP Lab presentation at the PME-NA
Come see us in Reno at Atlantis Hotel and Casino Conference Center this week and be part of our PMN-NA discussions!
Presentation Title: What does it mean for geometry teachers to improve a lesson? A multimodal analysis
Speakers: Gil Schwarts, Patricio Herbst, Soobin Jeon, & Amanda Brown from the University of Michigan
Date: October 3, 2023
Time: 9:30 – 10:30 AM
Location: Atlantis Hotel and Casino Conference Center, Emerald D, PMENA – 2023, Reno, Nevada
Join Gil Schwarts, Patricio Herbst, Soobin Jeon, and Amanda Brown in discussing the following questions: what does it mean, for mathematics teachers, to improve a lesson? And how can improvements be accounted for in the analysis of the resulting artifacts, especially when these are multimodal?
Learn about a novel framework for multimodal analysis, and about ways to capture professional growth through comparing artifacts produced by teachers.
Presentation Title: How instructors of undergraduate mathematics courses manage tensions related to teaching courses for teachers?
Speakers: Amanda Brown, Patricio Herbst, and Mike Ion from the University of Michigan
Date: October 3, 2023
Time: 2:00 – 3:00 PM
Location: Atlantis Hotel and Casino Conference Center, Treasures B, PMENA – 2023, Reno, Nevada
Join Amanda Brown and Pat Herbst in their exploration of how undergraduate mathematics instructors navigate the complex tensions associated with teaching the geometry course for secondary teachers.Learn about the three distinct ways instructors manage these tensions and gain insights into the work of mathematics teacher educators.
This talk is a must-attend for educators and researchers interested in the research on undergraduate mathematics education.
Join Us at the 2023 DRK12 PI meeting
Dr. Amanda Brown will be sharing about a newly awarded NSF project entitled Examining an On-line, International Exchange Professional Development for High School Teachers. You can learn more at the Structured Poster Sessions happening on Thursday, June 29, from 12:45 to 2pm ET. Join us at Potomac 1 & 3. We look forward to seeing you there!
Inviting instructors to pilot a new software for use with video-based assignments on Canvas
The GRIP Lab invites instructors to pilot the new Anotemos learning tool on Canvas.
Continue ReadingA Chapter Published in the Handbook of STEM Faculty Development
Several members of the GRIP Lab authored a chapter in IAP’s recent release Handbook of STEM Faculty Development
Continue ReadingGrip Lab Researchers to Share Work at 2023 AERA Annual Meeting
GRIP researchers present work at AERA 2023
Continue ReadingGRIP researcher Gil Schwarts has published a new article in For the Learning of Mathematics
Dr. Gil Schwarts has published a new article about discussion facilitators in the journal For the Learning of Mathematics.
Continue ReadingAmanda Brown and Pat Herbst Awarded NSF Grant
Dr. Amanda Brown and Dr. Pat Herbst were awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant.
Continue ReadingGRIP at the 2022 AERA Annual Meeting
The Grip Lab was representing strong this past week at AERA. Carolyn Hetrick and Irma Stevens traveled to San Diego to present work on the GeT Project and the T4D Project, respectively.
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