Exploring Contemporary Geometry for Secondary Teachers
Summary: Graduate-level geometry courses in mathematics departments introduce contemporary approaches in professional research areas such as combinatorial geometry and computational geometry. Like other advanced studies of mathematics, contemporary geometry employs rigorous methods grounded on formal definitions and proofs. Contemporary geometry courses can provide secondary mathematics teachers with a unique opportunity for professional development that can advance their knowledge and skills in geometry horizontally and vertically. Contemporary geometry does not necessarily require extensive prerequisite knowledge and skills so much as algebra and analysis are structured in continuation with undergraduate-level courses. Also, some areas in contemporary geometry aim to solve problems that contain rich contexts and real-life applications, for instance, the Art Gallery Problem (i.e., what is the minimum number of guards to observe the whole gallery?) and the Traveling Salesman Problem (i.e., what is the shortest route that visits each city exactly once and returns to the origin city?). In this talk, I will introduce topics in contemporary geometry and illustrate examples of instructional tasks and student projects from a problem-based contemporary geometry course offered at a large public university. I will discuss the potential of contemporary geometry for supporting secondary teachers’ mathematical development by exploring its connection to the content and the pedagogy of school geometry.
Registration Closed
Duration: 60 minutes
Format: Online seminar via Zoom web meeting software with questions and discussion. Detailed instructions for joining the seminar will be emailed to registered participants.

Dr. Younggon Bae is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education in School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. He earned B.S. and M.S. in mathematics with a focus on mathematical logic and model theory. He earned a Ph.D. in mathematics education at Michigan State University in 2019. He has been teaching a wide range of post-secondary mathematics from college algebra to advanced geometry courses for undergraduate and graduate mathematics majors including secondary teachers. His scholarly work is centered around innovative curriculum and instruction for advanced mathematics courses in technology-integrated environments, engaging students in disciplinary practices in mathematics, and exploring sociocultural aspects of students’ learning experience inside and outside classrooms.