Dynamic Geometry Tasks to Promote Reasoning in Geometry
Summary: Dynamic Geometry has been used to support the teaching and learning of geometry for more than three decades. In this seminar, different types of tasks will be presented that highlight how this technology can be used to engage students in geometric reasoning.
Registration Closed
Duration: 60 minutes
Format: Online seminar via Zoom web meeting software with questions and discussion. Detailed instructions for joining the seminar will be emailed to registered participants.

Karen Hollebrands is Associate Dean for Research and Innovation and Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor of Mathematics Education in the College of Education at NC State. Her research examines students’ mathematical understandings in technological contexts, the design of technology-based curricula, and the preparation of prospective and practicing teachers to incorporate technology into classroom instruction. She has taught undergraduate and graduate mathematics education courses and currently serves as the Editor of the Mathematics Teacher Educator journal. She received her PhD from The Pennsylvania State University in 2001.