Actively Building Geometry from the Ground Up
Summary: The nature of geometry makes it an ideal subject to introduce students to the fascinating ideas that underlie mathematics. In the Topics in Geometry course at Juniata, we build Euclidean geometry from the ground up using the 15 axioms formulated by Hilbert. Though the course follows a traditional axiomatic approach to geometry, it utilizes active learning elements which include student led discussions and portfolios.
Registration: Closed
Duration: 60 minutes
Format: Online seminar via Zoom web meeting software with questions and discussion. Detailed instructions for joining the seminar will be emailed to registered participants.

Henry Escuadro is Professor and Chair of Mathematics at Juniata College. Before joining Juniata in 2006, he was at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, MI from 2001 through 2006 to do his PhD in Mathematics. His research interest is in graph focusing mainly on graph structures and coloring. Henry and his wife, Joie, came from the Philippines and have three teenage children. He has recently picked up running again after being away from it since arriving in the US. Henry has taught the Topics in Geometry course at Juniata every time it has been offered since his arrival there.