Including Pedagogy in a Geometry for Teachers Course
Summary: At South Dakota State University, I have the luxury of having only preservice teachers in the GeT course. As a result, I include pedagogy while exploring the geometry content. To make this more clear to my students, I frequently ask them to put on their “teacher hat” or “student hat.” This helps them better understand tasks that they will encounter as a future teacher, such as grading and writing directions. I will share a few activities to illustrate how I have them transition between the roles of student and teacher. I will also share information about a FullProof Pilot Study being done this semester in collaboration with Tuyin An, Georgia Southern University, and Orly Buchbinder, University of New Hampshire.
Registration Closed
Duration: 60 minutes
Format: Online seminar via Zoom web meeting software with questions and discussion. Detailed instructions for joining the seminar will be emailed to registered participants.

Dr. Sharon Vestal is an Associate Professor in the South Dakota State University (SDState) Department of Mathematics and Statistics, where her teaching and research focus is preparation of high-quality secondary mathematics teachers. She holds an MA in Mathematics from the University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD, and a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Colorado-Boulder. Since arriving at SDState, she has served as PI on three NSF Robert Noyce Scholarship grants, totaling over $2.3 million in funding. The SDState Noyce Program has given out $1.1 million in scholarships and produced 69 math and science teachers since 2008.