What Geometric Knowledge Do We Need to Teach Future Geometry Teachers?
Summary: With the GeT Community coalescing around a set of student learning outcomes for GeT courses, the next discussion on the horizon is how and when GeT instructors (that is, geometry teacher educators) develop the knowledge needed to teach GeT courses. This talk will explore some of conceptualizations of mathematical knowledge for teaching teachers and will open up a discussion in the GeT community of what secondary geometry-specific MKTT might look like.
Registration Closed
Duration: 60 minutes
Format: Online seminar via Zoom web meeting software with questions and discussion. Detailed instructions for joining the seminar will be emailed to registered participants.
Priya V. Prasad is an associate professor of mathematics at the University of Texas at San Antonio. She has been interested in the teaching and learning of geometry since she was a high school teacher, and continues to teach geometry classes to future elementary and secondary teachers at UTSA. Her research interests are in the preparation and development of mathematics teachers at all levels, including mathematics teacher educators.